Saturday, July 12, 2008

Social Commentary

Boston was really cool. Louis showed me around the place. Where he used to hang and the Boston Conservatory. Apparently Louis has been around a block a few more times than I would like to think of him. In fact, it makes me nervous and uneasy to think that he was a playboy/player in his youth. It bothers me a lot. I don't think he's like that anymore --seeing as he sees me every day and pretty much doesn't leave my side and calls me all the time even when I'm at work! Sometimes that's annoying. Most times it's comforting. I just have to keep my eyes and ears open and hope to God he's not playing with some boytoy or girltoy behind my back. Because if he does ---his computer goes out the window of my apartment --so does his camera and everything he owns. Don't mess with me. But other than that, it was a pretty relaxing holiday. I went to the cemetery that Eugene O'Neill and e.e. cummings was buried in. That was a highlight. I didn't realise how small Boston was until Louis and I decided to take a walk in Boston during the evening of the 4th of July. We walked down a street starting with C. Um...gosh...there was soo many different street names. Let me see Google Maps. Clarendon Street. From Clarendon we went onto Boylston and then onto Massachusetts Avenue to see the Boston Conservatory.

The last few posts were just copies from my HI5 Journal. Yeah, I have an account there too. My friend Max sent me an email asking me to join. I always check out new places to make my mark on the internet.

I've been really busy the past few days. As soon as I got back from the Boston trip I had 3 days of load in work at The Public. I got to work on Hair!!! At the Delacorte!!! Yea! I'm soo happy!!! It was a great 3 days. I very much got my tan in during those days. I met Ryan Makely again. The last time I saw him was actually at Max's place for New Company Theater readings. I'll be sure to keep him in mind for costume and set decorating jobs with A Company of Players. I can't believe we worked through the rain. That was awesome! I can't believe it! I get to work and play in the rain as an adult! Most grown ups don't enjoy it, but I love being in the rain.

For the next 2 weeks I'm working on the Fresh Fruit Festival. Their Summer Theater festival allows me to stretch my Assistant Technical Director wings. I work with Louis Lopardi who is a theater guru. In fact, he's working on the sound design for Courting Mae West right now. I just went to a Fresh Fruit event at the Barnes and Noble at Lincoln Center. It ws nice, but I was more excited about the Cafe there because I used to work in the cafe. I loved eating the food. That's soo typical of me. Stuffing my face as usual. I can't help that I love eating. I freely admit that I have an oral fixation.
Louis made me the Stage Manager for Courting Mae West as well. I'm also stitching together throws for the furniture. I'm also the electrician and the operator for both the lights and the sound. And the ATD for the festival that this play is premiering and running in. That's a bit much isn't it???

I hope the work in theater comes more frequently starting in the Fall. I'm constantly worried that I some how won't make it. Like I'm not good enough. But I am learning every step of the way. I like on the job training. I'm fast at things like that. I'm really slow when it comes to studying from a book because there is too much verbal explanation. I learn the fastest when I am watching. I watch -- I take in.

So I'm going to go back to sewing throws for the play. I have to take my brother to Stony Brook tomorrow. He's starting summer school there. I'm really excited about getting behind the wheel again. It's a lot of fun driving and I wonder how fun it will be to drive Ben to school. Like the great big sister. :-) I hope Ben brings with him some great music, otherwise we'll be listening to the boring radio.

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