Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Ovarian cysts...pregnancy...

So here I am back again. After 2 weeks of agonizing pain working the 2 week Fresh Fruit Theater Festival marathon I am suffering from Post Traumatic Stress Disease. Some of my symptoms have been recurring nightmares. One such occasion is 2 days after the festival at 3:30am. I sat up turned to Louis and slapped him a few times asking him "What cue are we in?". To which Louis replies logically "No, cues, sleepy time." So I try to explain to him what cues are and then I say in a huff "Well if you don't care, then I don't care" --that's when I turn over and fall back asleep. I had no recollection of ever doing that in the morning. Last night I became startled when Louis tried to stop me from grinding and scratching my Psoriatic scalp. I thought he had hit me during his sleep, but it was actually me becoming startled. I just need to have a vacation.

On top of that my period hasn't arrived. I have seen no sign of it. Maybe it's the stress from working the theater festival, but my senses told me it was something else. I became scared because I thought I was pregnant. Four days after the first missed period, Louis and I took a home pregnancy test. It was negative.

I started becoming even more worried last night and today because I not only noticed some swelling in my tummy, but also some cramping in the office today. Especially after drinking coffee. But also when I found out that I had to use the bathroom. I looked into things other than pregnancy. I read up about Ovarian cysts. Apparently they happen during child bearing years. Which is probably now for me. So I read that when an egg is ready it bursts from its "cyst" which is filled with fluid. It travels down to the uterus where it waits to be fertilized. Well an ovarian cyst is when the egg doesn't burst. And the cyst just grows in size of fluid and sometimes blood. These articles tell me that it usually takes 1-3 months to pass and 95% of them are not cancerous. But about a 1/4 of people who get these feel pain. They have similar symptoms to being pregnant. I hope it's nothing serious. I really do not have the time to deal with this right now. So I cramp every 2-3 hours or so or until I relieve myself in the bathroom. Forums on the internet also say that these "cramps" occur during the menstrual cycle or at the beginning or at the end. As of today, August 6, 2008, it should be the end of my menstrual cycle. I'm hoping this will go away. I probably should visit the OB/GYN to find out what is going on with my body.

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