Saturday, July 12, 2008

Boston or Bust!

I am going to Boston for the Fourth of July weekend! Yea! I'm actually going on a vacation?! I can't remember the last time I went on a holiday vacation. Soo's been soo long!!!

That's some good news other than the Root Canal. *sigh* Anyway, Louis and I will be catching one of those cheap little Chinese buses to visit his friends in Boston. He wants to take me to Beacon Hill and Charles Street where he grew up. He was all excited about talking to his friend in Boston (where we will be staying at). No doubt we will get no sleep whatsoever because he will want me to get as much out of it as possible.

Louis is semi-moving in with me as well. His landlord is being a bitch after 12 years of living there. That will help me save some money and will put less of a burden on my parents. He says he wants the front room and turn it in an office. New experiences...

Work is starting to dwindle a bit as it is well into the season. Maybe it's time Louis took some professional photos of me so I can push myself out as a model or something. Just some type of income will do. Re-apply to Barnes and Noble for now? Get Health and Dental? Ask for more gigs with the Temp Agency? I don't know. It's been almost 2 weeks of just sitting around now.

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