Saturday, February 9, 2008

AISG Reunion Dinner

I can't believe I made it to the reunion dinner. I haven't seen any of these guys for over 10 years! I thought it was going to be awkward, but it wasn't and I was very happy to have seen all of them. I couldn't believe all the people I knew.

Kate, Michael, Jeremy, Bob, Amy, and I met a few new people too. Jane, and Bob's girlfriend. We talked about the good times and memories and what we're doing right now and so on and so forth. It was a lot of fun seeing them again, and I hope that we'll all be able to meet up again soon.

I can't believe Jeremy's interning as a doctor here in New York. Apparently he wants to do his residency here. Maybe he can give me a check up for a low price. Bob's some important banker now who works like 17 hour days. I can't believe he can take this. Kate's majoring in music technology. Amy majored in Chemistry. And Mike...I forgot what he was doing. I think something in savings? Stock? Movies? Jane works at The Essex Hotel. I guess we aren't doing so bad after all.

We've all changed and grown up, but I can still see the "middle-high school" attitudes and antics. I wish I had my camera. I wish other people had brought their cameras. I'm sure no one else from Guangzhou would believe it.

Saturday, February 2, 2008

Too many colds for one season

I caught yet another cold from Louis. :-( *sniff* Louis is having lots of stress and thus when I try to help him get better by giving him medicine and warm love, I catch the cold myself.

It's been busy on my end. Edward II has succumbed. It was a good run. Short but good. I wonder if I will work with anyone from that show again. If they call me for another production I would say yes of course.

I have contacted everyone that my friend Desi and James have given me about Electrics jobs in theatre. I shall be at the Bowery Hotel tonight at 2am to strike. It will be fun I think. I'm a night owl anyway. And it's good money.

I have an audition coming up also the same day as the strike. Then on Monday I will return to Hartman & Craven LLP to be the receptionist. I still haven't been called by the Extras agency for any work, but I did give them a call letting them know I am available.

Louis' room mates are all moving out. Louis will have the place to himself soon. In fact, soon he will be moving out too. He might be moving in with me for the time being. It's very stressful. He's got lots of stuff and I don't have lots of room for him.

Just thinking about the next few days makes me sick and tired. I have an AISG reunion dinner to attend this coming Friday. I'm glad for that. I haven't seen Michael, Bob, and the rest for years! A decade even! Wow...I can't believe it.

Then on February 22, I have an ISB dinner to attend at Ruby Foos. I have put Louis on the list as well as my guest. He has to will be a surprise when I say that he's my boyfriend/partner. Heads will turn.

Things are finally picking up and I'm happy because this winter was rough. But I finally got paid from The Guitar and I had 4 days at the law firm and a semi regular job working off-broadway. Good stuff come in chunks. Not to mention I have been able to plow through 6 books since I moved to Avenue U. Finally! What I wanted a lot of the times was the quietness to read and now I do. I read on the subway, I can read at Louis' place, I can read at my place without having loud music or people talking to me. Just quiet time in a chair reading. I can't read in bed because I'll fall asleep.

Oh, I also bought myself a USB Turntable!!! Brand new off of Ebay! for $60. After shipping costs, total $89! I'm soo glad. I'll be able to turn all the records that my father and I have into MP3s. I love listening to music with those pops. I'm soo annoyed that CDs don't have them anymore. They have been digitally rendered and fixed so that the sound is perfect. I think that's what Edward II needed during that first scene. Some pops coming from the music in the Victrola.